Showcase Benefit Recital
(please scroll down, 2 pages)
Saturday, September 14, 2024 • 4:00 PM
Manhattan Beach Middle School Multi-Purpose Building
1501 N Redondo Avenue
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Tickets: $10
please use the form or QR code below or at

Christopher O’Riley, concert pianist, the creator and original host of “From the Top,” will be the Master of Ceremonies of the Showcase Benefit Recital.
Each winner will be performing their winning piece and discussing their musical experiences with Mr. O’Riley.
Christopher O’Riley: Biography
Showcase Benefit Recital Eligibility Information
- Age requirement : 11 through 19 years old
Do you have a talented student who has an interesting, inspiring or amusing story about their musical journey? SYMF is excited to introduce the Showcase Benefit Recital category. Entrants in this category will audition with a solo piece and will also be interviewed by the adjudicators. The winners will perform at a special benefit concert where the proceeds will go towards a selected school’s music program. For the inaugural concert we have selected the Manhattan Beach Middle School.
Each year SYMF plans to select a different educational institution to help support music education in our schools. Contact SYMF if you know of a school that could benefit from this event.
- SYMF is excited to introduce the Showcase Benefit Recital category. Entrants in this category will audition with a solo piece and will also be interviewed by the adjudicators. The winners will perform at a special benefit concert where the proceeds will go towards a selected school’s music program. For the inaugural concert we have selected Manhattan Beach Middle School.
- Each year SYMF plans to select a different educational institution to help support music education in our schools. Contact SYMF if you know of a school that could benefit from this event.
This is a unique opportunity for your students to not only share their musical talent but also inspire others with their experiences. We hope to bring a large audience to this special concert of wonderful music and conversation in support of the Manhattan Beach Middle School music program!
- SCBR 1 (Showcase Benefit Recital 1) – Entry fee $80
- This is an Open Category and is for students ages 11 to 19.
- Piano, orchestral instruments allowed.
- Entrant is to perform one solo work.
- No piano concerti, or works using multiple pianos are allowed.
- A collaborative pianist must be used if the piece is originally written with orchestral or piano accompaniment.
- An entrant may use a piece they performed in another category.
- If an entrant is already entered into three categories they may still enter the SCBR 1.
- The winners will perform at the special recital on Saturday September 21, 2024 (tentative date) which will benefit the music program of the chosen middle school.
- The format of the recital will be a live interview by Christopher O’Riley and performance of their winning piece.
- Winners will be presented a special winner’s plaque at the recital.
- The auditions will be held on Saturday July 20, 2024.
- The winners are to perform in the Showcase Benefit Recital at the selected school in the Fall of 2024.
- Entrants must agree to perform at the Showcase Benefit Recital on the date specified in order to compete.
This is a two-part audition:
- Part 1. Performance of their solo piece.
- Part 2. Live interview in which the entrant will be asked questions, some which they can prepare beforehand and others will be spontaneous.
- Examples of possible questions are, but not limited to: What made you pick your instrument? What inspires you to play your instrument? How long do your practice? Do you have any amusing musical anecdotes of your own to tell?
The art of music is communicating emotions and feelings, but we all must also express ourselves verbally. Even if your student is shy, they may have some great musical stories to share! Please contact for more information.
SYMF Materials
- Current SYMF Materials (Rules & Regulations and Repertoire Lists) are available at:
- If you would like to be featured on SYMF’s website as a sponsor, and be included in all future 2024 SYMF E-Newsletters and the 2025 Summer Festival Program Booklet on Whova, please click here.
- Your logo will be prominently displayed.
- 2024–2025 Advertising Fees are $125 (includes website sponsorship, e-newsletter advertisement, and 2025 Summer Festival Program Booklet on Whova).
- Please consider a donation to help SYMF continue offering performing opportunities to young musicians.
- To make a donation, please click here.